Create Your Best Space!


Hi. I know you. I was you!

Don't know WHY you don't love being in your office?

It needs to be better, but you don't know where to start?

If your home office makes you feel frustrated, stressed, or makes you want to turn around and run... this course will help you fix it once and for all!

Why do you need this course?

The success of your business depends on your creativity.
If your creativity suffers due to the disorganization or less than inspiring decor, let me help you bring the magic back!

Step by Step

I will show you where to begin, how to stay on track and how to maintain your hard work in the future!
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You Are NOT Alone!

Join our private Facebook group to share successes and create accountability.
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Create a Playground

A workspace that is organized and free of clutter gives your creative brain room to play!
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As entrepreneurs, we are constantly in "create" mode. 

Do your surroundings support your hard work?
We are often tasked with the creation of materials, deliverables and products that require us to be thinking outside the box and be 'creative' all the time. We have projects with deadlines, clients that require our attention, and we are often a team of one. We sometimes find ourselves overwhelmed and stressed out with all the hats we wear. On top of that, we entrepreneurs that work from home often carve out our 'office' in the leftover spaces and corners of our homes.
Or worse, if we actually have a room (with a door!), our office becomes the catch-all room when company comes over, because we can shut that door! The result is a space that feels less important, stifling, or perhaps completely dampens our creative brain. Our creativity plummets, we cannot concentrate, we are easily distracted and sometimes, projects and tasks fall through the cracks.  Our work, our productivity and our clients all suffer. 

Bottom line... we are not showing our hard work the honor it deserves.

My story...

After 26 years of experience in the dental industry, I launched my own business as a speaker and consultant to dental practices. I live in a 2 bedroom home, but the second bedroom was dedicated as my hobby room (I love to quilt!) and where my guests would stay. I carved out some room in my living room, and set up my 'office' with a cute desk, shelves and an art print I love. But about 3 months in, I realized something was wrong. I couldn't concentrate. I struggled to whip out short articles that used to be so easy. I wasn't selling my services. I could see the future, and it didn't look hopeful. I realized that I had started loathing sitting at my desk, and when the lightbulb finally went on, I understood that it was because I was sitting facing a wall. It was as if the physical barrier in front of me was creating a mental barrier to my creativity. I knew I had to do something. 

I kept standing in that guest bedroom that was never getting used thinking 'there has to be a better way.' I stepped back and had an honest conversation with myself: how many nights a year is this room used as a true guest bedroom? Two? Maybe three? How much do I use it for my hobby? Compare this with the hours I sit at my desk in the living room, facing a wall, and barely looking to the right or left out the windows. All of a sudden, I realized my work had taken 3rd place in how I could be using this space.  

It became a no brainer. I had to re-prioritize my work if I was to be successful.

I revamped a downstairs closet to store my quilting supplies, exchanged my antique farmhouse bed for a pink tufted sofa that converts to a bed, and moved my office upstairs to a room that is now a dedicated office (that happens to have a spot for my 3 times a year overnight guests!)  Magically, my creativity and productivity began to blossom and thrive!

What's more, I began talking with colleagues and friends and I realized that many creative entrepreneurs are in the same boat! They told me they suffered the same way - they felt challenged with the everyday tasks associated with their businesses because they dreaded going into their office space. We all were feeling the same way and saying the same things:

"I hate going into my office, so I work in the dining room."

"I don't know what to do with all the incoming paper!"

"Every time company comes over, it takes me a week to get things back in order!"

"I have 20 years of unfinished projects and old resources that I should just throw away!"

"I am embarrassed to have my office onscreen on my video calls with clients, it's so ugly/messy/boring!"

I would talk with my friends about what their perfect space looked like and what it would need to do to function well. What would make it so they wanted to be in the space and to feel like they had the 'magic back'? Invariably, they said, "I just wouldn't even know where to start!" And when we talked about solutions, often the #1 obstacle was time. Time to set aside to go through everything, time to go buy the organization stuff, time to put it all away, time to research everything, time to go shopping for art or decor to at least brighten up the spot a bit. And I thought, "I can help with that!"

The "Create Your Best Space!" course was born...

What exactly you will learn in 5 weeks from
Create Your Best Space!

Everything you need to know about how YOU can create a space to IGNITE your productivity!

How to sort through all the STUFF!
My unique P.A.R.E. Down! (c) system is easy to do, easy to remember and easy to maintain. You will learn how to ask the right questions about what to keep and how to categorize and organize the supplies and resources you need on hand. You will see immediate results and feel great!
Managing and tackling projects!
If you have years of incomplete 'these would be great projects' hanging around, I will teach you how to determine which projects are worth your time and effort. I will show you the Anti-"To-Do" List method of time management that works for many entrepreneurs. End each day feeling accomplished and ready to take on tomorrow!
Shift the energy in your office!
Learn simple tricks of furniture placement that will dramatically change the way your office feels. I will introduce simple concepts of color theory and share how you can intentionally bring a sense of joy to your space - allowing you to bring the magic to your clients, every day!
Bonus! Improve your appearance on camera!
Understanding basic elements of great video presence will allow you to connect with your online audience in a way you never have before. You can elevate your professionalism and expertise using these simple tips and guidelines.
and more…
Buy your perfect package now!
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What exactly you will learn in 5 weeks from
Create Your Best Space!

Everything you need to know about how YOU can create a space to IGNITE your productivity!

How to sort through all the STUFF!

My unique P.A.R.E. Down! (c) system is easy to do, easy to remember and easy to maintain. You will learn how to ask the right questions about what to keep and how to categorize and organize the supplies and resources you need on hand. You will see immediate results and feel great!

Managing and tackling projects!

If you have years of incomplete 'these would be great projects' hanging around, I will teach you how to determine which projects are worth your time and effort. I will show you the Anti-"To-Do" List method of time management that works for many entrepreneurs. End each day feeling accomplished and ready to take on tomorrow!

Shift the energy in your office!

Learn simple tricks of furniture placement that will dramatically change the way your office feels. I will introduce simple concepts of color theory and share how you can intentionally bring a sense of joy to your space - allowing you to bring the magic to your clients, every day!

Bonus! Improve your appearance on camera!

Understanding basic elements of great video presence will allow you to connect with your online audience in a way you never have before. You can elevate your professionalism and expertise using these simple tips and guidelines. 
and more…
Buy your perfect package now!
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5 weeks to a complete transformation
of your space

Each Unit includes a combination of:
Video introduction explaining the purpose of the Unit.

Guided step by step instructions for making a difference in your home workspace. 

My favorite resources 

Access to a private Facebook Group to support your efforts and create accountability

Guided homework assignments to keep you on track

Downloadable resources, such as
​ - pdf references of the topics discussed
 - printable checklists and forms
 - eBooks

   and more…

Create Your Best Space!

Course Description

Unit 1: P.A.R.E. Down!
See immediate results of organization and sorting through all the STUFF in your workspace that is slowing you down and stifling your creativity. If you joined the free webinar, this Unit will expand on my PARE Down! (c) system and provide tips for maintaining your organization. 
Unit 2: Manage Your Projects
Learn the RIGHT questions to ask to determine if the projects you have been thinking about doing are worth your precious time and resources. At the end of this week's Unit, you will have clear Action Plans to complete your projects. 
Unit 3: Manage Your Time
Take your Master Project Task List and Action Plans and begin to prioritize your time. I will teach you my Anti-"To-Do" List approach to managing your time each and every day. You will start each day ready to go!
Unit 4: Energize Your Space! 
Give yourself permission to move your workspace around! I will share philosophies, options and examples of how to arrange your work area to elevate your creativity. I will share strategies to maximize the benefits of natural light and help you understand why you feel frustrated when your desk faces a wall. 

Unit 5: LOVE Your Space!
This is the fun part! Now that your space is organized and clear of clutter, it is time to bring in the joy! I will explain why it is critical that your workspace gives you a sense of happiness and how it impacts your peace of mind. I will share my favorite resources for beautiful decor, art and furniture to add the polish to your beautifully organized space!
Sign up today and receive a BONUS Unit: Your Space on Camera
Video conferencing is on the rise and for the most successful meetings, ​it is critical to pay attention to your video presence. Are you presenting a distraction free appearance? Or is your background so boring, it looks like you haven't given it any thought at all?  How do you strike the perfect balance between 'interesting' and 'distracting'?

Want more? Work one on one with me!

Feeling overwhelmed with the organization in your office? Would you rather have someone else find furniture to address your unique needs? Or just need some weekly encouragement to keep motivated and troubleshoot your specific challenges? Let's work together! 

With the Sapphire Level, you receive an additional 6 hours of  guidance specifically addressing your unique needs and challenges! You can combine private coaching calls and my design time that will result in a complete Design Board with ideas for furniture, artwork, decor and furniture arrangement. 

* limited space available.
* calls limited to 1 hour each.
* Design Board with decor and furniture options is 2 hours.
* Furniture arrangement is 2 hours.
* all hours to be completed within 2 months of purchase.
actual client design board...

Want more? Work one on one with me!

Feeling overwhelmed with the organization in your office? Would you rather have someone else find furniture to address your unique needs? Or just need some weekly encouragement to keep motivated and troubleshoot your specific challenges? Let's work together! 

With the Sapphire Level, you receive an additional 6 hours of  guidance specifically addressing your unique needs and challenges! You can combine private coaching calls and my design time that will result in a complete Design Board with ideas for furniture, artwork, decor and furniture arrangement. 

* limited space available.
* calls limited to 1 hour each.
* Design Board with decor and furniture options is 2 hours.
* Furniture arrangement is 2 hours.
* all hours to be completed within 2 months of purchase.
actual client design board...

Customize Your Package! 

Choose the Option that works best for you and get started IMMEDIATELY!

Just the Downloads please!
The Ruby Level


The complete list of the downloads used in the Create Your Best Space! 5 week course. You will receive immediate access to all the documents!
Buy Now!
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I Got This! 
The Create Your Best Space! Online Course
The Emerald Level


Everything from the Ruby Level, PLUS the entire 5 week course, the BONUS Unit, and access to the private Facebook group for support, inspiration and accountability!
Buy Now!
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A little help, please!
The Sapphire Level


Everything from the Emerald Level, PLUS 6 additional hours of private phone coaching, design work or BOTH!
For the busiest entrepreneurs desiring  a beautiful, inspiring workspace!
Buy Now!
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You work hard. You deserve to work in a space you LOVE!

Don't wait! Get started today to maximize your productivity!